Wednesday, September 10, 2008


having a nice hand is a wonderfull...

i've look out the window and watch a sun goes down and fight with a star...
war begin untill a moon comes as a middle compose....
still not far from there...
i'm just watch and hear somethings like scream...
but i'm just watch again....
and then these an art....

i've found my way to run....
but i'm not forget to put my shadows to hiding me...
in a lie....

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Bedugul lake-bali

none that simply...but i think it's an art....
is it you see????

big-machine vs red-monsters

oh no!!!!
the war is begin again....
are u see the big-machine put-out head of enemy....'s a continued of the last war...
so u can see this again in next episode...
so...u must waiting for few times.....

Monday, September 8, 2008

killing a kidz

whats the matter Again....
a crop size of these images has very2 big....
so it must be resize...
and then they are...

it's fun...
eventually i know....
i've got an idea this morning and here this art...

Friday, September 5, 2008

pick up a rules

pick up a rules....
i've put my emotion inside...
till i've got any art inside...
and i've been enjoy these...

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

tired sore

Sore so busy that day.

Him pets so aggresive whenever know any food in front of it.

Him friends just laugh eventually know their friend looks so funny.

Sore so busy right???

sketch of my self

this is a sketch of my last photo that i've post somedays a go...
i've used any point to a point with a pen to create my sketch...
one by one a part of my sketch has finnish...
and i start to learn a new ways to sketch with a pen...
there's just give a lil' such points...
so here's the sketch...
i think it's an art???!!!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

My PiCt

yah...that's me...
yeah...i'Ve goT thEm All....
KeEp iT RoCk's...

bete.....pusing kepala.....
nungguin sesuatu yang gak pernah datang....
tapi aku harap ini segera berakhir....
dan cepat berakhir....

rules chat box....


ruLeS28 fEeDs

ruLEs hiT VisitORS...

free hit counter

rules map visitors

my picture

my picture
i've try not to lie

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